With the Law No. 6750 on Pledge of Movables in Commercial Transactions, with alternative possibilities such as expanding the establishment of movable pledge without delivery, expanding the scope of movable assets that can be pledged, publicity and questioning of the pledged movable assets, taking over the ownership of the pledged movable asset in case of default by the debtor, it enables the pledged creditors to access their receivables through alternative means. It has brought a brand new legal form and opportunity with the aim of facilitating access. Although it is not very common in practice yet, we will come across much more in the future. It is a modern and important legal regulation that also benefits from the opportunities of technology. In our article, which you can read in the articles section of our website, we tried to reveal the main frame of the subject without going into too much detail. We hope it will be useful.

Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK) Announces Amendment to Registration Requirements to Data Controllers Registry
The Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority (KVKK) has announced that it has amended the criteria for exemptions from the obligation to register with the Data