Residence Permit and Investment Opportunities by Acquiring Real Estate in Greece

It is possible to catch very serious opportunities by acquiring real estate in Greece. With the program called Golden Visa, which was put into practice in this country a few years ago, it is possible to get a residence permit, to put a European Union visa in your pocket, and to have investment opportunities where you can earn a serious income.

By acquiring property, it has become possible for you to obtain these 3 important opportunities at once; The first is a residence permit in Greece, the second is the visa-free travel opportunity in the European Union Schengen Countries, and finally, it is not far away to invest in Euros and earn serious income.

What is the Golden Visa Program?

  1. Investors are granted a residence permit by acquiring real estate in Greece. Most importantly, this permission is not a temporary one, but a permanent one.
  2. The residence permit is given for 5 years for the first time, but there is a lifetime renewal guarantee if the real estate investment continues in the following years.
  3. Thanks to this residence visa, there is no need to rush to get a Schengen visa, which is also a common visa of the European Union. You also get an indefinite Schengen Visa, which gives you the right to move freely in Greece, as well as in other European Union countries.
  4. One of the most important differences from other Golden Visa programs is that it is a program suitable for the whole family, because not only the owner, but also your spouse, your children under the age of 21, your parents and your spouse’s parents can also benefit from the same residence permit with this single property acquisition method. .
  5. In this way, you get the right to wander around Greece, its legendary islands and the entire Schengen area of the European Union, without any restrictions, with all your family members.
  6. There is no obligation to reside even for a single day. You do not have to live in the house you bought, it is also possible to rent it. You only pay 15% income tax on your rental income up to 12,000 Euros.
  7. Most importantly, buying a property actually offers a serious investment opportunity in Greece. Seriously falling prices due to the economic crisis provide the chance to buy very valuable real estate in a very affordable way. For example, it is possible to buy a real estate that was 400-450 thousand Euros 10 years ago for 250-280 thousand.
  8. According to the reports of international financial institutions, there is a serious upward trend in real estate prices in the coming years until 2025, and this promises its investors a significant income in Euro terms. When you add the exchange rate difference and rental income to this, it is also possible to earn a much more serious income.
  9. This program is the lowest budgeted program among its peers. Despite similar programs of 500,000 Euros in Spain and 350,000 Euros in Portugal, the real estate investment required to benefit from the Golden Visa program in Greece is only 250,000 Euros.
  10. If you wish, it is possible to achieve your goal gradually by purchasing more than one real estate in small quantities, with a total of 250,000 Euros, or by purchasing a much larger real estate jointly, provided that more than one investor puts at least 250,000 Euros each.
  11. Although the rents vary according to the district, location, building, flat and m2 in the city center of Athens, the average rent of an apartment is between 800 – 1.200 Euros per month. With a simple logic, your annual average rental income will be 10-12.000 Euros. This means that 20% of the investment returns to you as rental income within 5 years.
  12. When you want, you can sell your real estate and transfer it to any bank you want in our country or anywhere else. In such a case, it would be extremely advantageous in terms of taxation, you only pay the tax if there is an increase in value between purchases and sales.

Greece is full of places and people that you can call one of us, from its sunny weather 300 days a year, its food and music suitable for our taste, to its warm-blooded human nature. If you want to be the lucky people who benefit from this program, which continues for a certain period of time with the permission of the European Union, contact us and we will inform you about the details.

K&P Legal Law Firm offers you the most accurate, reliable and risk-free investment opportunity, suitable for your needs and income, with its experienced Lawyers in Athens office and its solution partner, the country’s undisputed number 1 Real Estate Company for the last 10 years. It is sufficient to contact us for legal support and details from start to finish.

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